Thursday, May 10, 2007

All play and no work!

My last day at work was yesterday. The children were very nice and made cards and wanted to know if I would come in for any of the post SATs programme. I am going come in for their end of year presentation. Now I have to make a list of all the things I have to do before we leave in the summer.

It feels so daunting, but I know everything will get done eventually, with large amounts of stress to carry it along.

I need to get the house into a decent state in order to rent it out. I hope that there are families out there in Hendon that would like to rent a four bedroom house. The outside painting seems to be coming along and I hope that the house will look better once the orange paint has gone.

I must do an after picture too.

On the knitting front I am continuing with my cardigan in the sock yarn. I have nearly finished the back. I has been quite theraputic knitting plain stocking stitch, but I am ready for the challlenge of cables on the front.

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